
The Ministry of Ecological Transition awards the MITECO seal to Giménez Ganga for calculating its carbon footprint

A commitment to further develop projects and measures to reduce emissions.

The Ministry of Ecological Transition awards the MITECO seal to Giménez Ganga for calculating its carbon footprint
We have been awarded the carbon footprint registration seal by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Ecological Transition, for calculating TnCO2 emissions and being on the right path to continue reducing this type of emissions which are harmful to the environment.
The Ministry has registered us in the MITECO registry for carbon footprints, offsetting and carbon dioxide absorption projects.
This registration is the result of having calculated the TnCO2 emissions we generate in the production process.  
With registration, the Ministry of Ecological Transition urges companies to follow such a sustainable path and take measures to try to reduce calculated emissions.
We are committed to sustainability and the development of projects that contribute to the commitment to minimise the impact of this type of emissions, with company policies aimed at the efficient use of energy and water resources, the use of renewable energy and raising awareness among employees regarding good environmental practices.
The Ministry's seal has a dual purpose. On the one hand, it makes it easier for organisations to demonstrate their participation in the register and, on the other hand, it allows them to reflect the degree of effort they have made in the fight against climate change.
Renewable energies
It should be remembered that at Giménez Ganga, in one year, we have doubled our production capacity with renewable energies.
We have recently started up a second installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of our warehouses, located in the El Castillo Industrial Estate.
In August 2021, the installation of 783 panels on an area of 1,740 m2 came into operation, providing a nominal capacity of 352 kWp.
Just one year later, a second installation has come into operation, with 754 new panels, on 1,620 m2, located on the roofs of other of our warehouses.
In total, our commitment to solar energy enables us to reduce our carbon footprint by 20% and prevents the emission of 250 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.
We strive to improve our processes and to be environmentally friendly.

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