
Celebradas nuestras Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas

Sax opened its doors on 20 and 21 September at their headquarters in celebration of the company’s 60th anniversary.

Celebradas nuestras Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas

On the first day we welcomed representatives from some of the major institutions in the Valencian Community, including key members of the Alicante Provincial Council, the Generalitat Valenciana, the Mayor's Office, the Chamber of Commerce and a number of other social agents of various kinds.

On the second day we opened our doors fully to all members of the public who wanted to discover how we worked, by allowing them to see the inside of each of the warehouses that make up our facilities in the El Castillo Industrial Estate.

Thanks to the visits organised and guided by company employees and the multitude of activities that were focused on entertaining both adults and children, we were able to host a total of 800 visitors during the 4 hour event.

After the event, the organising team demonstrated their gratitude to each and every one of the people who visited our facilities.

There will surely be many more events of this kind organised in the future.


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